My job as an Instructional Technology Specialist, is to show them the light at the end of the tunnel. Today, I hosted a training on blended classrooms and flipped learning (presentation below). In my research on ideal platforms for the novice teacher, I found EDpuzzle.
My initial reaction was an increasing head-nod of approval as I saw that it could:
- Sign in via Google (+1).
- Search and import video from sites like YouTube, Vimeo, TeacherTube, LearnZillion, and Khan Academy.
- Allow teachers to record their own audio track over the existing video.
- Allow teachers to add voice comments inserted within the video.
- Insert quizzes within the video.
- Manage who in your class has watched the video, when and what scores they achieved on the embedded quizzes.
- Host the video in a minimalistic browser window...
- ...or embed the video elsewhere!
In my training, I exposed teachers to ~10 websites they could leverage to create/host video for their sample flipped lessons. 75% of them went with EDpuzzle as their solution. Comments that I overheard were:
- "I love how it walks you through the process of customizing the video."
- "So all I have to do is just log in with my Google account and I can begin creating?!"
- "Wait...I can keep track of who has watched the videos? Awesome."
- "Cool...I can rerecord the entire thing or just put in a voice comment."
- "So all I have to do is just log in with my Google account and I can begin creating?!"
- "Wait...I can keep track of who has watched the videos? Awesome."
- "Cool...I can rerecord the entire thing or just put in a voice comment."
In well under 30 minutes, one teacher (with no previous screencasting experience nor PD on how to use EDpuzzle) managed to create this video:
Some feature requests that teachers had were:
- the ability to export the video to .mp4 or re-upload the new video (minus quizzes) to their YouTube channel
- the ability to add in Video comments
- the ability to add in text comments that can link out to another web resource
All in all, EDpuzzle is a fantastic platform for novice and experienced Flipped educators alike. Take a moment and check 'em out!
+Bob Petitto's Flipped Class *reFRESH Training: